Go Green …With a Side of Metal Accents


Outdoor space within a city dwelling is a rare treat for condo-dwellers, but for those who have it – they are all busy making the most of it as planting season is ripe!

From vegetable gardens to flower beds, those of you with a green thumb find your happy place in the great outdoors of spring. In fact …gardening just might be the cathartic activity city-dwellers need to lessen the effects that the concrete jungle can have on an individual.

Although traditional gardens are grown in back yards, for those who don’t have the luxury of such palatial space …a metal-boxed garden can be just the solution to your urban conundrum.

City dwellers want to benefit from garden space too, just as their country-counterparts do, and even with a small plot of concrete – a metal box garden can serve up a vegetable salad your suburban friends will be jealous of.

This beautiful display of sustainable living on your deck will be both a visual pleasure, as well as an edible one. As long as it is neat and attractive, and you understand how to keep your concrete plot hydrated, a vegetable garden can be a feasible and interesting focal point, and a nice change from your boring metal fenced in patio.

So where can you garden? Anywhere! Don’t be fenced in by tradition, but rather utilize metal garden boxes to create a vegetable feast for your next gathering of city-folk friends.

Concrete can truly provide the platform from which to grow on, so long as you have the will …there is a way to assist in your vegetable garden aspirations.

Absolute Fabrication is a family founded and run business. We keep our focus on attention to detail and pride ourselves on our diverse craftsmanship, skill set, and ability to create high quality products. We offer services in a variety of different materials such as stainless steel, aluminum and mild steel. Projects range from structural, decorative, residential and commercial. So whether your desire is to plant a garden, or erect a metal tower – call us with your project needs and we’ll be happy to meet them!